Thank you for your interest in Sainted in Error. Glenda Winders is available for interviews, features, book events, speaking engagements, and appearances.
For press inquiries, please contact Sophia Wilhelm at
For bulk purchase inquiries, please contact
She is available for Skype or Zoom meetings with book groups wherever you are and in-person events within a 50-mile radius of her home at no charge. She loves book clubs and belongs to one herself. For this reason she included questions at the end of “Sainted in Error” to help get discussions started and can provide them for “The Nine Assignments,” as well.
All scheduling is done via Novel Network, a free service that arranges either a 30-minute or 60-minute online visit. Please click here to sign up for your free Novel Network membership and to request an in-person or online visit to your book club.
For other matters, please fill out the contact form.